November is Tobacco Free Month. A smoker who stops for a month is five times more likely to quit for good. In Châteauroux too, smokers were supported this Wednesday, November 7th. They were able to walk four kilometers all around Lake Belle-Isle and meet health professionals throughout the course.
There was a first stand where the profile of each smoker was determined by the staff of the hospital center of Châteauroux. He blows in a device that calculates the rate of carbon monoxide. He responds to a test to determine the dependence with questions such as: "How long after you wake up, do you smoke your first cigarette?".
Agnès, a Castelroussine who has been smoking for almost 25 years, did this test. The result: a medium dependency. "I am not yet ready to stop but I would like to smoke less. Sometimes, I get there. My package can make me three to five days"she says.
Some substitutes are now reimbursed by the Health Insurance
Dr. Boutaleb advises nicotine substitutes like gums or patches. It also gives a tip to Agnès, as to other smokers, to avoid frustration. "You can take a vase at home, something transparent. Every day, we put five euros in it, the five euros of cigarettes. At the end of the week, we get this money back and we'll have fun", says Dr. Boutaleb.
Then there is a pregnancy and tobacco stand where a midwife, Carine Freyrard, explains that substitutes are also possible for pregnant womenshe warns against the pbadive smoking of these women. "I do not recommend the electronic cigarette for pregnant women, because currently, we do not know exactly what is in it"warns the midwife.
On the rest of the course, smokers can also learn about the themes "How to resist my cravings for tobacco?","Food and tobacco", or to learn Pilates.
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