to know everything about the return of measles |


Unfortunately, measles is back! Indeed, different outbreaks have been identified and the Hexagon has even experienced some deaths. The point on this contagious disease that comes back in force.

In France, the number of people affected by measles is increasing, though it was down five years ago. At the European level, 21 315 cases were recorded in 2017, compared to 5 273 the previous year.

Measles affects infants and young adults

Measles is a childhood disease that also affects young adults. These categories of the population are the most sensitive, in the absence of a vaccine. According to the figures put forward by the Public Health France, more than 85% of the affected subjects were not vaccinated. It must also be known that this is a contagious infectious disease against which no curative treatment exists. It is transmitted quickly and only one patient can contaminate up to twenty unvaccinated subjects. In terms of symptoms, measles is characterized by otitis, mild fever, conjunctivitis, episodes of diarrhea and rash. In some cases, complications occur in the form of laryngitis, pneumonia and acute encephalitis. When symptoms worsen, patients must be hospitalized urgently.

Resurgence of the disease despite the hygiene measures put in place

According to the public authorities, insufficient immunization coverage is the main because of the return of the disease. For France, the region of New Aquitaine is the most affected. The World Health Organization argues that only 95% coverage would be effective to protect the most sensitive people who can not be vaccinated (pregnant women, infants under one year old and immuno-depressed subjects). It should be noted that France is not the only country concerned, as several cases have been identified in Romania, Austria, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. In total, measles has affected more than 1,500 people since early 2018 in France.


The MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) is the only effective preventive treatment against this disease. In addition, contraindications are almost non-existent. For children under 17, this vaccine is fully reimbursed and is capped at 65% for young adults. Babies will ideally receive their first dose of vaccine at 12 months and the second at one and a half years. If previously, vaccination was recommended, it is now compulsory for less than two years since the beginning of the year. In any case, 11 vaccines are mandatory in 2018. As for young adults who are particularly sensitive to complications, their vaccination dose has been increased.

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