Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 344 of Wednesday, November 28, 2018 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV


In the next episode of "Tomorrow belongs to us" … Anna's health worries her mother, Bilel goes to the act, and Martin discovers the parallel investigation of Lucie and Georges.

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Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow night on TF1! If you do not want to know anything, go your way !!

Wednesday, November 28 in Tomorrow belongs to us … After her discomfort, Anna is better. She spent the night under observation at the hospital and is persauded that it was only a drop in blood pressure. Marianne brings her badysis results, which revealed nothing abnormal except hemoglobin a little low, and told him that she would like him to have a scanner today to be sure not to pbad next to something. Once her mother leaves, Anna tells Chloe that she is determined to go to work, before making a new discomfort.

Later, Marianne shares the results of Anna's scan with Renaud: her daughter has a superficial fracture with a perirenal hematoma. If the blood bag does not go away, it risks infection. All this is a consequence of the bus accident. But the problem is that the two doctors do not agree on how to proceed: Renaud wants to operate to drain the hematoma, while Marianne would prefer to avoid the operation and treat Anna with treatment. Renaud throws her at her head as usual and she will not have to cry in the event of a disaster. After having asked the advice of a colleague who advised her to follow her instinct, Marianne informs her daughter of her choice. Anna will have to undergo treatment and stay bedridden for a while. The journalist accepts but seems to perceive that her mother does not tell her everything.

At the police station, George discovers that it is Samuel who has paid the head of the security of the hospital and tells Lucie that it comes to the conclusion that it is time to talk about their investigation to Martin. Obviously, their superior is upset that they did not follow the procedure but still asks them for a full report on his office as soon as possible, while reminding them that he will not cover them in case of problems with the procedure. parquet.

At the same time, Victoire, who has a date at Spoon with Martin for lunch, is determined to bring him the big game to make him realize what he's going through and make him crack. But it is without counting on Georges who, always sensitive to the charm of his roommate, is in the mood to thwart his plans. He makes believe Martin that he came across a trafficking of counterfeit drugs on the dark net and that a delivery must take place at 13h on the port. While Victoire goes as planned to the Spoon and surprised not to find Martin, George retains his superior far from the young woman by making their hiding place on the port.

Sara's eve of anger is not without consequences. The video showing her pushing a journalist makes the rounds of the Internet and social networks. The comments are quite hard on the teenager but for Lou there is no bad publicity. Everything is good to take to talk about the trial of Beatrice. The concern is that Beatrice Raynaud is not of this opinion. During her talk with Lou, she gets angry with her lawyer. She had asked him not to mediate the case and not to involve Sara, and Lou did it at his head. But the young lawyer replies that she seeks to defend it at all costs and that she refuses to see her spoil her chances. Beatrice threatens to change her lawyer but Lou points out that it would make her look like a weathervane to the public and juries, that would not be good for her. According to Lou, for now, the public believes it, all this is in his interest. But Beatrice does not like Lou's tone or methods and persists in her decision to change her lawyer.

Finally, Leila asks Bilel to give him a chance and think about their daughters, but Bilel sticks to the usual chorus: he can not forgive his adventure with Chardeau. His decision is made. Noor also tries to reason with his father, but nothing works and Bilel asks his daughter not to give false hope. Later, while returning home Leïla finds a letter in which her husband confesses and tells him that she will end up hating him by discovering that he is not a good person, Bilel surrenders at the police station and denounced for the sabotage of the brakes of Samuel's car.

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