Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 346 of Friday, November 30, 2018 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV


In the next episode of "Tomorrow belongs to us" … Chloe tries to convince Maxime to change high school, Jessica struggles to recover from her hypnosis session, and Samuel inherits Rose's file.

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Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow night on TF1! If you do not want to know anything, go your way !!

Friday, November 30 in Tomorrow belongs to us … Bilel was sentenced to five years in prison, including two years suspended. Soraya explains to her mother and sister that remission of sentence is still possible, we must keep hope. But Noor is still very upset and goes so far as to say that she would have preferred not to wake up. She will have to bear the judgments of her clbadmates in high school and does not feel ready. Leila reminds her that it is precisely the anger that has led her father to prison and that they must stick together to get through this ordeal.

Later, at the hospital, Leïla confronts Samuel who ends up admitting to him that he actually made Bilel sing. She is outraged, feels treated like merchandise, and tells Samuel that she regrets having slept with him. Chardeau can tell him that he can not stand to lose her and that he loves her, Leila does not want to hear anything and tells him that she does not want to see him anymore. Fortunately the nurse can count on the support of Marianne who tells her of a position in another hospital that could allow him to no longer have to cross Chardeau. But Leila does not want to leave Sete and her colleagues.

Shocked by her first session at the psychiatrist, Jessica makes her parents believe that she does not believe in hypnosis, that it is useless, and therefore decides not to return. Later, she ends up telling Margot what happened during her hypnosis session. She had been preparing to relive the accident but did not think that her painful memories of Cottin's aggression would re-emerge. Margot confesses that she has also been haunted by this episode for a long time and tells Jessica that she may be reliving all of this because she did not really settle this story. According to her, Jessica must continue to dig. But the teenager does not feel the courage to do it.

For his part, Maxime moved to Clementine's home and prepared breakfast to celebrate the first day of life together. But it does not take long to find Olivier, who has come looking for some things and is always so aggressive towards him. Later, in high school, Chloe explains to her son that Olivier refuses to have him in math clbad. But she thought about it and thinks it would be nice if he changed institutions. She even found a private school in Beziers that would be ready to accept it during the year. But Maxime sees especially a way for his mother to remove him from Clementine and refuses to change high school. Chloe then makes a visit to Clementine to ask him to persuade Maxime to change high school. Clementine is certain that she will not succeed and Chloe tells her that she is destroying Maxime's future for "a romance with the con". But Clementine makes it clear to his former friend that she really loves her son, that it is not a romance with the con and that she loses her time trying to separate them. And if Chloe continues to persecute, Maxime eventually hate it.

In parallel, Alex and Maxime meet for a drink. Alex asks his son how he is doing and tells him that he thinks Chloe will eventually calm down. But Maxime does not want to take the lead with that. After being unhappy all summer, he finally found the smile thanks to Clementine and he loves him as he never liked. Alex believes him and tells him to live what he has to live. In the evening, Maxime finds Clementine at home and tells him that he has inquired for correspondence courses. He wants to free himself from time to find a job and help Clementine, who only touches his allowances. The sports teacher reminds him that studying is important but for Maxime what is important is that they are together.

Finally, at the hospital, Renaud entrusts the medical file of Rose to Samuel. The latter realizes that despite his warnings about Rose's risky pregnancy, no follow-up was done in prison. Renaud explains that the inmate has had anxiety attacks and is convinced that her baby is going badly. For Chardeau, this is clbadic bipolar, and Renaud is rather in his opinion but wants to appeal to his son's doctor skills to persuade Rose to resume treatment. Samuel gives an ultrasound to Rose and seems worried. It looks like he's detected something wrong and tells Rose that he's going to have to take some extra tests. Later, he comes back to see Rose and tells him that his baby is fine. The problem comes from Rose who has a serious risk of preeclampsia.

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