two fatal cases of whooping cows, a successful vaccination campaign


Initiated May 22, 2018, vaccination campaign conducted by Public Health France has just ended. The first badessment is positive: more than 24,000 children under six years old were seen in a vaccination center, and 55% of them needed an update of their immunization status.

From May 22 to 30 June, more than 110 health professionals of the Health Reserve took turns in the temporary vaccination centers in the four corners of the island set up to facilitate the access to all the inhabitants.

More than 25 000 vaccines were administered

The vaccination campaign attracted strong support from many families at the opening of each of the temporary vaccination centers. More than 25 000 vaccines were administered (an average of 2 vaccines per child):

– 8 674 MMR vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella),
– 9 012 hexavalent vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B , poliomyelitis, Haemophilus infections),
– and 7,448 pneumococcal vaccines.

Two fatal cases of whooping cough

Each vaccinated child left with an updated vaccination record and recommendations for follow-up vaccine.

Two fatal cases of whooping cysts were identified in late 2017 and early 2018 in Mayotte, after which the Ministry of Health had requested the deployment of the Health Reserve in this department overseas, for prevention purposes.

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