Two services at Dreux hospital closed due to tuberculosis cases


While a case of tuberculosis was detected in an employee of the psychiatric hospital of Dreux, sixteen other staff members had a work stoppage while waiting for the results of the screenings. Two services were closed due to lack of staff

On June 18, a case of tuberculosis was detected in a psychiatric ward at the Victor Jousselin hospital in Dreux (Eure-et-Loire). Since then, the person has been on sick leave and under treatment.

The hospital management and the Regional Health Agency have decided to screen the staff who may have been in contact with the infected person, reports The Republican Echo . L psychiatry patients likely to be affected are followed in the hospital center. Sixteen employees were arrested pending the results

Closing of the two services until July 10

Due to lack of staff, two psychiatric units will remain closed until July 10th. These are short-term programmed units (UDPC) and adolescents and young adults (ADAJ) and short-term programmed units (UDPC) and adolescents and young adults (ADAJ)

"Most patients will be followed on an outpatient basis. If there is a necessary hospitalization, they will be taken in charge by the psychiatrists of other units. The continuity of the public service is badured " explained Bernard Nuytten, provisional administrator of the hospital to the Echo Républicain .

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