Two years after the end of the epidemic, a new type of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone


On Tuesday, July 24, 2018, the Congolese government declared the end of the Ebola epidemic that has killed 33 people since the beginning of May in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Two days later, the government of Sierra Leone is speaking on Ebola, with less good news: a new form of the virus has been discovered.

Sierra Leone traumatized by the virus

Five distinct types of Ebola virus have so far been reported: Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Reston and Taï Forest. This new type of virus, known as Bombali, is the sixth type of Ebola. Another form of the virus has already occurred in the region, in December 2013 in southern Guinea, before spreading to two neighboring West African countries: Liberia and Sierra Leone. The epidemic, caused by the Zaire type, has historically been the deadliest in men since the Ebola virus was first identified in 1976. It killed more than 11,300 people out of nearly 29,000 registered cases, according to World Health Organization estimates

In Sierra Leone, the Ebola epidemic has transformed people's relationship to medicine and traditions rooted in rural areas of the country. "Ebola taught us that most of those who have cared for the sick are dead" explains Dr. Mbadaquoi: "Only when the powerful healers – who thought themselves invincible – began to die that people realized it was real ". Faced with a hitherto unknown evil in West Africa, people believed in a curse, preferred to consult local healers rather than travel long distances to public health facilities, often rudimentary means. Since 19459007 hospitals have been "enormously evolved" according to Dr. Mbadaquoi, thanks in particular to purchases of material financed by international agencies.

No case found in humans

The researchers have identified this Bombali virus, from studies on bats. Nevertheless, they believe that this new form could be transmitted to humans. "It is still unclear whether the Bombali Ebola virus has been transmitted to humans or is causing disease in humans, but has the potential to infect cells " told AFP Amara Jambai, a senior official of the Ministry of Health. "These are the first steps" Jambai added, calling on the population to remain calm while waiting for further research.

Not immune to a new epidemic

Scientists who discovered the new virus in Bombali district, northern Sierra Leone, are currently cooperating with the government to determine whether humans have been infected. "As a precaution, people should refrain from eating bats" said Harold Thomas, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, to AFP.

Nevertheless, Sierra Leoneans are not immune to new deadly epidemics. In question, the lack of running water and sanitation in most homes in the country. According to the NGO WaterAid, 37.4% of Sierra Leoneans do not have access to drinking water. Basic sanitary conditions are not currently in place to deal with a potential new epidemic.

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