Unemployment insurance: the intermittent spectacle in the visor of the social partners


They have less than two months left to agree. And already, discords are not lacking between unions and employers' organizations. Invited by the government to negotiate a systemic reform of unemployment insurance, they should find, on Wednesday, a new topic to help: intermittent entertainment. The latter, and especially their own compensation rules (the famous annexes 8 and 10 of the unemployment insurance agreement) will be at the heart of this third working session. With the risk fear the intermittent, who had gathered in a general badembly on November 12 in Paris at the call of the CGT show, to become the collateral victims of this negotiation whose government expects 3 and 3.9 billion euros in three years.

This Wednesday, the social partners of the interprofessional level floor on the subject: what must be the effort provided by the intermittent spectacle? Then, they will provide a letter of framing to the representatives of the sectors concerned, indicating to them a goal of "Financial trajectory". It is up to them to negotiate possible new provisions. In 2016, the social partners had already agreed to modify the rules of Annexes 8 and 10 with a stated objective of achieving € 185 million of savings in a full year by 2018. At the same time, the State would was committed to supporting the sector with a "Employment support fund" EUR 90 million in favor of "Creating jobs on permanent contracts". But two years later, the results are below what was expected. According to Unédic, this previous agreement has enabled, in the first quarter of 2018, to achieve only 66 million euros in savings.

"Cash cows"

A gap that employers' organizations could ask the sector to fill. "There is a real aggressiveness of the employers on this subject. He wants to postpone savings on the backs of precarious workers and therefore the intermittent spectacle ", alert Denis Gravouil, of the CGT show. The Cégétiste fears that the Medef is asking for more. "There are things to improve in the 2016 agreement, but there is no reason to put the lid back on the savings. Since 2003, the intermittents of the show had to make a lot of efforts. There, it's stop, we are not the cash cows of unemployment insurance »he said, irritated. At the CFTC, Jean-François-Foucard is more tempered by Medef's expectations: "The chances are that ultimately we will stay broadly in what was agreed in 2016", he notes. With a social climate marked by the movement of "yellow vests", no doubt, according to him, that nobody has interest in putting even more people in the street: "Nobody wants to fire, right?"

For the CFTC unionist, the next two meetings will be much more central. Everyone will defend their solutions. On the union side, the bonus-malus scenario, a system of modulation of employers' social contributions based on their use of short contracts, holds the cord. The power stations have, for this reason, been supported by the President of the Republic who repeated, in early November, his intention to set up such a device. Conversely, the employers could be more tempted by another track also put forward by the executive, this time the Prime Minister: the degression of allowances paid to job seekers, including the highest paid employees .

Another Medef proposal: a complete overhaul of the unemployment insurance architecture by transforming it into a two-stage hybrid system, with a "solidarity" part managed by the State and an "insurance" part in the hands of the social partners. A parry that could be effective to avoid the implementation of the bonus-malus, especially as for now, the CFDT has not closed the door.

Amandine Cailhol

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