Unvaccinated, Reunion doctors contaminate patients


The situation is unusual but it must alert: two doctors were infected by patients before transmitting the virus themselves to six other people.

Two doctors from a hospital in Saint-Denis (Réunion) contaminated six people while they were in consultation. Shocking information in a tense context between anti-vaccines and the increase in the number of cases of measles in France and worldwide.

What happened ?

According to Imaz Press Meeting, which revealed the information, two doctors from Bellepierre University Hospital in Saint-Denis on Reunion Island contaminated six people. The Regional Health Agency (ARS) of the Indian Ocean has carried out an investigation, 500 people have been "traced" to check the status of their vaccines. A hundred of them had to be vaccinated in emergency for the last two days.

The vaccination coverage of the island is good, however, says the ARS, it is around 86%, but Dr. François Chieze director of the watch and health safety of the ARS of the Indian Ocean affirms it to Meeting Première, the objective remains at term 95% of vaccination. The measles vaccine has been mandatory for one year for infancy, however, it is not for adults. The number of contaminations was 48 cases in Reunion since late 2018.

What is measles?

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Measles is a viral infection affecting the airways. It is a very contagious disease that affects mostly children, but can affect individuals of all ages. Contrary to what some people think, measles is a serious disease that can lead to serious complications and even death. At the global level, measles remains a scourge and one of most important causes of death in young children. According to statistics, it infects more than 20 million people each year.

This disease is most often transmitted by air, for example when infected person coughs, sneezes, or spitsbut can also be contaminated objects. The patient is extremely contagious during the incubation period (10 days), and during the first days of the disease (from the onset of symptoms), or about four days.

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