VIDEO. Effective toothbrushing in ten seconds? The promise of two Lyon innovators


The new generation Y-Brush toothbrush was developed in Lyon by FasTeesH. – FasTeesH
  • For three years, these Lyonnais entrepreneurs carried out studies and tests to develop a new generation toothbrush, effective in just ten seconds of brushing.
  • The FasTeesH start-up has launched this week the pre-order marketing of its "Y-Brush", usable by children and adults.
  • This patented technology makes it possible to brush your teeth from the top and the bottom simultaneously.

And if a few seconds was enough to brush your teeth effectively? This is the promise of Y-Brush, a new generation toothbrush developed by two Lyonnais and available since Tuesday in pre-order online. Three years of research and development were needed to bring Benjamin Cohen's ingenious idea to life in 2015 as he watched his little cousins ​​painstakingly brushing the quenottes.

"Like all children, they had trouble to do the right thing and did not take more than a minute to brush their teeth before going to bed, "recalls the founder of
the start-up FasTeesH, installed in the incubator of the Ecam (engineering school).

The same evening, he decides to time himself and realizes that he does not hold himself the two minutes advocated by health institutions. "The French people brush their teeth on average for 43 seconds," says the 33-year-old entrepreneur. And a quarter of them do this hygienic gesture only once a day.

The effectiveness of the brush on dental plaque tested for two years

His idea in mind, he s' surrounds Christophe Cadot, a 29-year-old engineer who became his partner, to develop the technology he imagines. "Our Y-Brush, which works close to an electric toothbrush, is placed on the upper and lower teeth, like a mouthguard. It is lined with fine nylon bristles, tilted at 45 degrees, which allows deep cleaning everywhere, "adds Benjamin Cohen.

After five seconds of simultaneous brushing of the upper teeth completely encompbaded, the brush in Y shape, available in four sizes (for children and adults), is positioned on the dentition of the bottom for 5 seconds again.

To develop this technology, patented today, entrepreneurs have been probing since the departure of the dentists. "They immediately showed interest," adds the thirty-something. The next most important step was to check the effectiveness of this ultrafast brushing. For more than two years, tests were carried out in vitro on a replica of a human jaw

A second product for medical structures

"We wanted to check its effectiveness on dental plaque. We got very good results, "says the entrepreneur. Then a series of tests was conducted on a hundred voluntary users to measure its user comfort and efficiency. According to the start-up, these tests have shown that Y-Brush removes 15% more dental plaque than during a traditional 2 minute brushing.

 The new generation Y-Brush toothbrush has been developed in Lyon by FasTeesH
The new generation Y-Brush toothbrush was developed in Lyon by FasTeesH. – FasTeesH

This toothbrush, sold 65 euros as part of a public campaign launched on Kickstarter, seems to appeal to the general public. "We will have reached this Friday night our goal of pre-orders for $ 25,000," said Lyonnais. The first toothbrushes should be delivered in April. As early as September, a second similar product aimed at people who are unable to brush their teeth (disabled, elderly or hospitalized) should also arrive in medical facilities interested in technology.

#LBPmember @FasTeesH launches today, and all over the world, its product aimed at the general public under the name Y-BRUSH, allowing to brush your teeth effectively in 10 seconds. Buy Y-Brush Now !:

– Lyonbiopole (@Lyonbiopole) July 11, 2018

For the start-up , whose management team includes a dentist, the challenge for the next few months is to develop quickly to meet the demand. After investing € 40,000 in equity and raising funds to develop the technology and finance the manufacturing, the entrepreneurs plan to call on investors again in 2019. "We expect a rapid growth in the French and international market, "adds Benjamin Cohen, who aims for financial balance in 2021.

>> To read also: Dental care, what is the agreement on the rest dependent to change for patients?

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