[VIDÉO] He tries to block a single roundabout, his hilarious wife films him


What to be in the mood for the morning …

A woman posted on Facebook a video shot in Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques).

We see her husband, a yellow vest on the back, trying to block a single roundabout, crossing the pedestrian crossing.

"As in Aire-sur-Adour the gendarmes told us that we did not have the right to block traffic because there was no pedestrian crossing, well there, he decided to go -back, "she explains, between two bursts of laughter.

The scene makes the woman completely hilarious: "I will end up peeing in my panties", "I have a stomach ache from laughing," she says.

"My son is so ashamed he stayed in the car!" She laughs.

"In any case, for my birthday, my 52 years, my husband makes me a great gift! This is the first time I see it like that, it will never make me laugh as much as today hui, "she says.

Before taking a more serious tone: "Bravo to him.He, at least, he moves.I do not understand the people who do not fight, who are there, to do nothing.To believe that we are annoying because they are showing up everywhere, while they are on the couch but do not hesitate to say "oh, that's too expensive" when they receive a bill. […] Try to move a bit, get up instead of acting as if nothing had happened. Otherwise, do not cry, it's too easy. "

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