VIDEO. In the Congo, she creates an orphanage for children whose parents died of AIDS


Celestine Bagniakana is Congolese. For almost 30 years, in her country, she has been caring for children whose parents died of AIDS.

In the 1980s, Celestine saw her colleagues die very closely, because of HIV. " People did not believe it, while there were deaths, cascading deaths, but people attributed it to witchcraft "

She starts by making flyers by buying reams of colored paper " so that it hits ". On these papers, a sentence: " Everyone knows what AIDS is, but everyone refuses that AIDS exists, that AIDS kills ".

Adds to the many the deaths of her colleagues, that of her husband. This sad event will change his life. Celestine is going to have a click. " And it was from there that I clicked, I said that I was going to take care of the orphans, so the fight against Aids ".

In 1997, she began to welcome children to her home. They have become, in a sense, his own children. But, very quickly, the constraint of promiscuity imposes itself on her. Celestine Bagniakana's idea of ​​building an orphanage was followed. " Once I said, 'But why not build an orphanage?' ," she says. In 2014, after five years of work, the Celestial Heart Orphanage opens its doors in Pointe Noire.

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