VIDEO. Inheritance: discover the first images of the doc event dedicated to Johnny Hallyday


Friday, November 30, Jean-Marc Morandini will propose on NRJ12 a new issue of his magazine Héritages, devoted to the Johnny Hallyday affair, a year after the death of the famous French rocker.

Since last September, Jean-Marc Morandini hosts a brand new show on NRJ12 in the first part of evening called inheritances. Dedicated to the biggest inheritance scandals in France, this program has already been broadcast twice on channel 12 of TNT. She will be back on Friday, November 30th, this time focusing on the Johnny Hallyday affair.

One year after the death of the rocker, disappeared at the age of 74 after a heavy fight against cancer, Jean-Marc Morandini will be interested in the raging war between the Boudou and Smet clans. On one side, the widow is surrounded by Sébastien Farran, Hélène Darroze, Patrick Bruel or Jean Reno. On the other hand, the disaffected seniors of the rocker can count on the support of Eddy Mitchell, Nathalie Baye, Sylvie Vartan or even Dominique Besnehard.

November 30: A key date in the Johnny Affair

After the broadcast of this documentary event, Jean-Marc Morandini will propose a live debate in the second part of the evening. The journalist will be surrounded by experts and will be interested in the new session rendered by the tribunal de grande instance of Nanterre, in the presence of lawyers from Laeticia, David and Laura Smet. TV Star invites you to discover the first images of this event doc.

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