Video. It pushes its wheelbarrow on 700 kilometers against the disease of Charcot –


Vincent Monnerie crosses the Alps, from Thonon (Haute-Savoie) to Nice (Alpes-Maritime), with a wheelbarrow. He raises funds for the research against the disease of Charcot.

 Vincent Monnerie and his wheelbarrow in full rise in the Alps.
Vincent Monnerie and its wheelbarrow in full ascent in the Alps. (© Kilometers in a wheelbarrow)

Vincent Monnerie set himself a crazy goal that he is achieving: cross the road of the Grandes Alpes ses 21 pbades mythical, its 30,000 meters of unevenness on foot and pushing a wheelbarrow containing the minimum vital.

He left on July 15 of Thonon -les-Bains (Haute-Savoie).

Today, near 30.000 people support it on Facebook (Kilometers in wheelbarrow) and a video carried out by a tracker met in Val d'Isère cumulates over 3 million views.

Video of Sylvain Tripoz

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Financing research

It all started last May when his father died victim of the Ch disease arcot .

To pay tribute to him and raise funds to fight against the disease, the young man of 26 years decided to undertake this journey of more than 700 kilometers.

Back in images on the ninth step, Yesterday! [Sollieres – Saint-Martin d’Arc: 33 kms]

Published by Kilometer Wheelbarrow on Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A way for him to communicate around this pathology and seek new sponsors to fund research . Vincent is now planning to arrive in next week in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).

See also: Gironde: the Chinese "Fire of Love" will be shot in Bordeaux

A pot Leetchi was set up by his badociation: Association Momone Extreme

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