VIDEO. Rap or cover of Jean-Jacques Goldman, the "yellow vests" found their anthems


"I wanted to put gas, it's too expensive, I paid taxes, it's too expensive"… The rapper Kopp Johnson pushes against the expensive life and puts on his "yellow vest". Be careful, if you play this video, the rhythm and the catchy chorus of this piece may not leave you for a while.

This song is one of the hymns composed by these angry French people who demonstrated Saturday, November 17 and 24 to denounce the rise in fuel prices and the policy of Emmanuel Macron. In his title Yellow vest, the rapper says elsewhere "Macron resignation". This song, more intended to dance in box than to beat the pavement, is close to 2 million views on Facebook and YouTube.

From festive rap to conscious rap, there is only one step. From the World Cup to "yellow vests" too. Momo and Charley Dornel, two rappers from the Eure, take inspiration from the Vegedream tube Bring the cup home. And that gives a song with a more serious tone, Bring France back to reason. "I'm disgusted when I see the taxes we have to pay", launches the duo in a clip shot around roundabouts located in Bernay (Eure). It counts more than 50 000 views since November 18th.

But the big tube of the "yellow vests" is the work of the Breton youtubeur Mr. Seby. He diverts the title of Jean-Jacques Goldman Born in 17 in Leidenstadt and also slip some messages to Emmanuel Macron: "If we want our country to be better tomorrow, ben Manu be less stingy". On Facebook, this clip already has more than 4 million views.

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