Vulva, clitoris, lips: is your sex normal size?



© Adobe Stock Clitoris too prominent, badl lips too long … Women look more and more their bad … but perhaps too fine. At least too much on an aesthetic level. In some countries, such as Switzerland, surgeons are seeing an increase in vulva procedures, with the aim of having perfect measurements. Or, is there really a vulva "type"? Not really, according to the findings of Dr. Anne Kreklau's team at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital. "The precise and detailed description of a" normal vulva "is rare, although some studies deal with the subject of measurements of the external female badia.This leads to a wide range of diagnoses regarding" normal "vulvar morphology.

They wanted to know more and followed 657 women aged 15 to 84 from April 2015 to April 2017 in their clinic. They measured the internal and external lips, badl opening, clitoris and perineum of all participants. "With our data, we present a basis for the appearance of a normal Caucasian vulva, which could set standards for indication in gynecological cosmetic surgery." They observed large variations in their measurements but were able to establish averages:

For l e clitoris : the average length observed by the authors is 7 millimeters, with variations ranging from 0.5 mm to 34 mm.

For the badl lips : they were 80 mm on average for the outer lips (with variations ranging from 12 mm to 180 mm in length) and 43 mm on average for the lips Internal (with variants of 5 to 10 mm).

For badl opening ranged from 6 to 75 mm.

"It is normal that a small lip is larger than the other "

This study proves that the female bad does not meet any standard. The use of surgery – for example "nymphoplasty" or "labioplasty" to reduce the size of the badl lips – should not give way to a fad. " When they are too bulky, they may cause discomfort during certain movements as in the practice of certain sports activities (especially bicycle, horseback riding, etc.) or when walking. [19659012] These are the official reasons for taking charge of this intervention by social security, "recalls Dr Thierry Ktorza on In the case of purely aesthetic motivations, he advises to consider the consultation of a badologist: " It is indeed quite normal that a small lip is larger than the other and the very The vast majority of cases do not warrant an operation .The motivations to increase the desire of one's partner are thus often disappointed and require other approaches. "

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