Warning! The kernel of the apricot kernel contains cyanide


The kernel of the apricot kernel, ok, but with moderation. – AUSLOOS / SIPA

Almonds inside apricot kernels are to be consumed in moderation because of the "risk of cyanide poisoning", recommended Sunday the health security agency
(Handles). The National Food Safety Agency relayed the recommendations of its European counterpart: "about one to three almonds for adults and half a small almond for children" at most every day.

reported in a report of 154 cases of intoxication between January 2012 and October 2017. Two of them particularly illustrate the danger: a 54-year-old woman who, "after consuming 50 almonds in one day", was hospitalized in hypotension, and an 87-year-old man who had eaten 40, and had "cardiac malaise." In the other cases have been reported many symptoms: dizziness, feeling of malaise, headache, digestive disorders, palpitations, respiratory discomfort.

Proven cure for cancer

"Ingredient well known confectioners of jams, almonds apricot kernels are increasingly consumed as a natural remedy for so-called "anti-cancer" properties, "ANSES said in a statement. "There is no scientific evidence" to suggest that this nut prevents or cures the disease, she said.

Yet it "arouses a craze that is measured on the internet where sites encourage their consumption in large quantities, ranging from 10 almonds per day prevention to 60 almonds for people with cancer, "lamented the Agency. But that amateurs are rebadured: "The consumption of these almonds for the purpose of food approval is possible", as long as it is reasonable.

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