Could the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) be a human creation?
Researchers announced on July 7 that they have made encouraging progress in the development of an experimental vaccine. This vaccine would have according to the study's director, virologist Dan Barouch caused an immune response in humans and protected monkeys from infection. A test on several thousand patients should take place in the coming months. But the same researcher urges caution, however.
Suffice it to recall that 35 years after the official discovery of this disease, and as many years of research, there is still no cure for AIDS. The study of the syndrome, which has since its discovery several tens of millions of deaths around the world, also includes many gray areas, on its creation and dissemination.
Theories of conspiracy more virulent people would like the virus to have been created by humans. That's what an American pathologist, Robert Strecker, said in a famous memorandum. Others have taken up these theories and even went so far as to claim that this virus was developed for eugenic and genocidal purposes to target the black population.
35 years later, this strange evil that was called early "gay cancer" is a bit better known and a broad scientific consensus agrees that this virus has existed for much longer. HIV has been transmitted to humans by the great apes of Central Africa and hunted for their meat. The colonization, the development of the exchanges in Africa then the globalization would have made it possible to transform a virus of bush had a pandemic.
We asked all these questions to Martine Peeters, virologist of the French Institute for the research and the development ( IRD)
The monkeys are hunted for consumption, the pbadage is made before the preparation of the meat. When you touch the spleen, when you empty the animals, the spleen is infected with millions of viruses. If one has open wounds on the hand, the virus can, in this way pbad into the human body.
Martine Peeters
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