We explain to you why the Social Security reimburses brioche bread


The bread "G-Nutrition", made by the French laboratory Cérélab, is actually a nutritional supplement to fight against undernutrition.

With its vanilla taste and rounded shape, it looks like a snack for children. And yet, the bread "G-Nutrition", created by the Cérélab laboratory in Aiserey (Côte-d'Or), is now refundable by Social Security, thanks to a ministerial order, revealed France 3 Burgundy, Friday, July 13. Because this brioche roll, rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, is a nutritional supplement, which must make it possible to fight against undernutrition especially among the elderly.

What is this brioche bread?

In the medical jargon, bread G-Nutrition is an oral nutritional supplement (CNO). The novelty is in its form: a brioche roll with vanilla taste. But the recipe is far from that of snacks for children or breakfasts. This bread, very caloric (therefore energy), displays a high protein content of 20.6 g per 100 g. It also contains vitamins B12, B6 and B9, calcium and selenium, considered an antioxidant.

What and who is it used for?

This special bread is intended for undernourished or suffering patients muscle wasting, especially the elderly and some sick people who lost their appetite. The objective is "eg to allow undernourished people to eat something other than milk-based nutritional supplements, in the form of dessert cream, which give little or no pleasure and can be disgusting" explains to franceinfo Anne-Sophie Negroni, press relations manager for Nutrisens, an agri-food group that supplies healthcare facilities and distributes G-Nutrition bread. This bread "is easy to chew and swallow" she adds, and its shape allows patients who can eat independently. "One does not have the impression to swallow a medicine" welcomes Anne-Sophie Negroni.

Can one buy it at the supermarket?

No you will not find it between sandwich bread and chocolate bars on supermarket shelves. Since 2015, it is offered in health facilities and retirement homes, says Nutrisens. And if today, bread G-Nutrition is sold online, it will be distributed in pharmacies from October 2018, priced at 12.48 euros a box of 12 rolls, according to Nutrisens. It can therefore be reimbursed by the Social Security, when it has been prescribed by a health professional.

It is common, the food refunded?

This small protein bread joins the list of " food special medical purposes ", which may be reimbursed, such as traditional oral nutritional supplements. According to the Public Health Code, these are the foods reserved for "patients whose ability to absorb, digest, badimilate, metabolize or excrete ordinary foods or some of their ingredients or metabolites are diminished, limited or disrupted ". Since March 2017, for example, hyperprotein cookies, developed at the University Hospital of Nice and sold in pharmacies, are reimbursed at 60%. In addition, the Social Security reimburses 60% gluten-free dietary food, "for patients with confirmed celiac disease by digestive biopsy" specifies the site of the Insurance disease.

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