Web Feed | A breeder of poultry from Bresse in misery: the Elysee climbs to the creneau


The video posted on Facebook by Aloïs Gury has become viral. This young breeder of poultry in Bresse calls Emmanuel Macron on his situation of distress.

"Mr. Macron, you do not deserve to eat my poultry (…) Merkel, Trump or Putin, that's good. But me, in my corner, I do not go out. It's the mess, I'm in shit, "he says in a white voice, detailing his impossible hours and his miserable salary.

The farmer dressed in his yellow vest alludes to the dinner of heads of state of November 11, where was served poultry Bresse. The farmer points here the abyss between a noble product, Elysian, and the situation of "earthy bad" of his breeder.

The Elysee has just reacted. First, to indicate that the poultry served that night did not come from Aloïs Gury's breeding.

Then to study his case. "Our agricultural adviser is trying to reach him to examine his situation," said the press secretary of the Presidency of the Republic.

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