Wenger: "Liverpool? This match is extremely important for PSG"


Tomorrow (9pm), PSG faces Liverpool in a capital match for qualifying in the knockout stages of the Champions League. In an interview with Parisian, Arsène Wenger explained that this game was extremely important for PSG and that he had to win.

"It's difficult to win the Champions League, the proof, I did not succeed. PSG / Liverpool? This match is extremely important for PSG, it must be won. But do not rely on the fact that Parisians win or not this Champions League. Every time they do not win, it's as if the season did not exist. It takes a distance, it's a cup, with all its imponderables. In modern life, there is a large concentration of players in a small number of units, as can be seen in economic and football terms. The best players are concentrated in 5 or 6 clubs, the unpredictable side has disappeared in modern football. Four or five clubs can win the Champions League, but within those 4 or 5 who will win? It."

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