what has changed in twenty years


Nathalie Choux, illustrator, draws for twenty years for children. She has signed a hundred albums for youth and has experienced a change in the demands of publishers, including the promotion of the feminization of trades. "For example, there I Hello little car! and she is a woman who drives. I did Hello little tractor!she's a woman driving. I did Hello little plane!I wanted to make a woman, and I said 'No, we'll put a boy'because you have to change a bit ", she says. He is also asked to highlight diversity. "Often, we try to mix a little, to represent the entire panel of the population, by putting people of color, by putting women where there are not enough. There is a demand that I have not felt before, it's not bad to show little girls that they can drive a plane. "she rejoices.

The pattern of the family remains rather traditional, consisting of a mother, a father and brothers and sisters. "For the moment, we are still on something very, very clbadic"she admits. Some topics, on the other hand, have become completely taboo. "All that is badual, we forget completely.As today, everything is controversial … To avoid controversy, we do the smooth"she admits. "I think sometimes we've lost a little bit, it's a little nice, what?". To avoid controversy, Nathalie Choux has his little tips. "Most of the time, I found it much easier to work with animals (…) because it evades a lot of problems and questions about the girl-boy kind"says the illustrator. "It's more about emotions, finally, that I want to show things, more than the representation, which brings me little, in fact".

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