When a press article stigmatizes, wrongly, the red fox.


As if "Goupil" needed this, the local newspaper "The Voice of the North" is the mouthpiece of the hunters by throwing the stigma on the wrongly clbadified animal about an extremely rare disease.

You said controversy?

In his article, the newspaper is scary: "Five cases of positive foxes in the Pas-de-Calais department hitherto spared, spreading cases in the North: badociations and public authorities are sounding the alarm around the echinococcosis, a parasitic disease that, untreated, is deadly for humans and invites walkers and hunters to prevention. "

So let's put things in their place. First, the fox, like any animal that feeds on rodents, can indeed have echinococcosis, since its prey is a carrier. It is indeed a zoonosis (disease transmissible from animals to humans) that can be serious because it attacks the liver, BUT: this disease represents each year barely thirty cases out of 67 million individuals so.

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From there to "sound the alarm" …? Vain attempt to stigmatize a very useful animal that is slaughtered to the tune of 600 000 to 1 000 000 individuals per year, while even rabies is now completely contained and is therefore absolutely no problem in France!

2 simple tips to never catch this rare disease.

First, never pick fruit at ground level. It is in the faeces of the fox that the parasite is found.

Second: Regularly deworm your pets, especially if they wander a lot in the wild, this is essential, and make sure they do not lick you too much.

We also remind you that you are much more likely to catch diseases with your dog than foxes.

"Fox disease" … really ?!

This beautiful find hunters stupidly call the echinococcosis "Fox disease" when it is not only for Goupil but all rodent predators could, and this is what scientists advocate, be contained thanks to the vermifuge …

But admit that for hunters, it would still be a lot less funny. The latter then have every interest in creating a climate of terror around the fox since it is more and more rehabilitated because it is the best regulator of Lyme disease which, unlike echinococcosis, proliferates well because of the fox mbadacre.

So "The voice of the North", when do we "sound the alarm" for the 60,000 new cases of Lyme reported each year in France?

Jimmy Page

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