In 2019, EDF's rivals are going to stock up on his home thanks to a mechanism that gives them priority access to part of its production. But the ceiling has been largely exceeded, which is not good news.
It is a complex but very important mechanism in the French energy landscape: instituted in 2015 under the law on the new organization of the electricity market, the mechanism of regulated access to nuclear energy history (Arenh) foresees that EDF sells a certain volume of its electricity each year at an attractive price. In order to boost competition. In all, this volume reaches 100 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, a threshold established by law and which corresponds to about a quarter of EDF's production (all sources of production combined). Since the beginning of the operation of the Arenh, this ceiling has never been reached: for that reason, the market prices that have long been lower than the price of the Arenh (42 euros per megawatt hour) did not encourage alternative providers to use this mechanism. The latter preferred to stock up on the wholesale market.
But the situation will change in 2019. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), which controls the device, said Thursday that no less than 132 TWh of Arenh had been subscribed for next year. In short, for the first time, the ceiling is reached and even largely exceeded. It is true that the Arenh is again very competitive: its price is still 42 euros per MWh, while electricity market prices have soared this autumn above 60 euros. In its communication on Thursday, the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) said that 69 suppliers had subscribed Arenh for next year.
For Henri Reboullet, the CEO of Vattenfall France, as for other alternatives, this exceeding the ceiling is not good news. "Since suppliers who have applied for Arenh will not have the original volumes, they will need to buy from the market to secure their supplies from their customers. So pay more than if they had all the Arenh requested. This increase, they will pbad on to end customers. "For Henry Reboullet, this situation is all the more damaging because it was largely predictable. "Now we have to make sure it does not happen again next year. It will therefore be necessary to increase the ceiling of the Arenh. "For this, we need a law. In other words, we are not done with this file.
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