Why brioche bread will be reimbursed by social security in September?


A roll paid for by Social Security: this may seem unlikely, but it will be the case at the beginning of the next school year. Brioche bread, called G-nutrition, is intended for seniors to maintain their muscle mbad.

G-Nutrition bread from the Dijon Céréales group, developed in Burgundy, is reimbursed by Social Security! https://t.co/MQh4dWhcQg pic.twitter.com/iN8QiaLGqq

– France 3 Burgundy (@ F3Burgundy) July 13, 2018

Ten years of research for this protein bread

It weighs 65 grams and is high in protein (20.6 grams per 100 grams of product). This bread also contains vitamins B12, B6, B9, calcium and selenium. According to the laboratory that designs it, Cérélab, it is adapted, in addition to seniors, to the needy, to certain pathologies (cancer, HIV) or to people suffering from muscle wasting.

It took ten years for the different actors of this project (National Institute of Agricultural Research, University Hospital of Dijon, Center for Taste and Food Sciences, etc …) to design this final product, designed in Burgundy. The bread will be available in pharmacies in September.

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