Why do men complain MUCH when they are sick?


We will avoid clichés, but we must admit: when a man gets a cold, it's the end of the world. When he cuts himself with a leaf, he has a haemorrhage. When he has a fever, he dies. When he has migraine, it may be a tumor. Our dear friends of the male are a bit (but just a bit) excessive when they are sick. Have they all had the hypochondriac gene or are they just more fragile than women? One study looked at the subject to finally understand what really happens to them when they are sick.


First, a man complains more often when he is sick. And it's proven. Second, he takes fewer sick leave than a woman. And thirdly, he gets sick (about) five times a year, compared to seven for women. Despite these statistics, a study published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, men suffer more than women with equal symptoms. Indeed, experiments on mice show that male beings suffer more temperature variations, fever and take longer to treat a simple cold or recover from flu. It should be noted that 65% of men admit exaggerate their symptoms to be pampered.

This inequality would have biological reasons. Since women give life, they have more estrogen (female hormones) which makes them more resistant to viruses. So yes, men exaggerate a little when they feel bad, but it's not completely their fault. Girls, avoid talking about this study to your companions, they could play it.

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