Why the figure of yellow vests slammed the door of the movement – 27/11/2018


Benjamin Cauchy (right) condemns the radicalization of some yellow vests./ Photo AFP

Benjamin Cauchy (right) condemns the radicalization of some yellow vests./ Photo AFP

The main spokesman of Toulouse Vests yellow left the movement yesterday. Eight new national spokespersons have been appointed for talks with the government.

Yellow vests are moving. The mouthpiece of the movement, Toulousain engaged at the national level, loudly left the ship yesterday. Benjamin Cauchy, 38, "responded to media inquiries," he said, to "serve the movement," since November 17.

But yesterday, it is a "nauseating campaign" against him and the "radicalization" of the Yellow Vests that decided to leave the ship. The insurance agent, voice and face of the yellow vests in all the media, found "pictures of his children" on "some far-left sites", he "suffered insults", and that's was too much for him.

"I was a candidate for an election 10 years ago, but contrary to what a regional TV media claim, which I attacked in defamation, I never had any acquaintances with the extreme. right, "explained Benjamin Cauchy at The Dispatch of the Midi.

"Violence is an admission of failure"

Violence against journalists, found last Saturday in downtown Toulouse (see box), and the degradations of the demonstration in Paris have also pushed the spokesman to withdraw.

"I refute any idea of ​​violence. It's an admission of failure. We can advance ideas in dialogue and consultation, "explains the father. He also paid tribute to his "brothers in struggle", for whom he keeps the "greatest respect". "I will always admire the self-denial of the vast majority of Yellow Vests, who are brave and sensible people."

Yesterday, the movement of yellow vests took the turn of the discussion with the government. In a statement distributed on social networks, the movement presented a list of eight representatives, whose mission is "to initiate a serious and necessary contact with the representatives of the State, and to facilitate communication between citizens demonstrators and event coordinators. "

According to the statement, this coordination is composed of "demonstrators identified by their actions in the field and known to the media", who will "not give orders", but will be "messengers".

Part of the yellow jackets Toulouse refuses this device, and calls for continued operations at roundabouts, fuel depots and tolls open. They also fear an attempt at political recovery.

350 still mobilized yesterday

"I have no idea how these representatives were appointed. In any case, we have not been consulted ", thus wins out Raymond Stocco, another voice of the movement in Toulouse.

Yesterday, according to our information, more than 350 yellow vests were mobilized at various points of the agglomeration, including the tolls of Muret, Labège and L'Union, and Lespinbade fuel depot.

Mayor of Toulouse condemns violence against journalists

This weekend, television journalists (BFM TV and CNews) were victims of violence, while they covered for their media the mobilization of Yellow Vests in downtown Toulouse. Both media filed a complaint against the perpetrators of these facts. Yesterday, Jean-Luc Moudenc, Mayor of Toulouse and President of Toulouse Métropole, "strongly condemned the attacks on journalists who took place this weekend in Toulouse." "It is inadmissible and shocking that the press is thus prevented from exercising its profession and taken in part so violently. It is a clear violation of the democratic functioning of our country, which can not be envisaged without a totally free press, free from pressures and threats. These facts should not be underestimated or trivialized. As a former journalist, I share today the anger and concern of the press and express my full solidarity with the abused professionals and their editorial staff. " For the journalists' badociation of Toulouse and its region (AJT), "these disturbing drifts represent a very real danger. "Yellow Vest" or not, journalist or not, whether we value the media or not, our duty is to react and express our solidarity with journalists attacked and transformed once again into scapegoats for all that is wrong not in our society. "

The number: 5

major chapters> of claims. The 8 new spokespersons of the Yellow Vests will carry the claims in the form of a working document, and placed under 5 main themes: Transport, Citizenship, Employment, Precariousness and Budgetary savings

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