worrying shortage of "vital" medicines


Stock-outs, non-replenishments of essential drugs … Pharmacists are worried and the National Drug Safety Agency is on the alert, in the face of growing shortages.

Figures have what worry. Last year, in France, 530 drug stock-outs were reported, according to the National Agency for Drug Safety (ANSM). This is an increase of 30% over 2016.

While these shortages affect all categories of treatment, three are more affected than others: anti-infectives, anticancer drugs, and drugs of the nervous system. "Among the anti-infectives, the particular clbad of vaccines has also been subject to stock-outs and / or supply tensions since 2015," adds the ANSM.

Essential treatments affected

Missing drugs are sometimes essential for patients. France 5 cites anti-cancer treatments, or to cure diseases of the nervous system.

According to the ANSM, the causes of this multiplication of shortages would be insufficient production, manufacturing difficulties, but also "decisions taken by the agency to suspend the activity of an establishment, manufacturer or operator, following inspections which call into question the quality of the drugs. "

A fact-finding mission created

The situation concerns until the Senate. The high badembly has created an information mission, to "establish an inventory of stock-outs and risks of stock-outs (…) for drugs and vaccines." It must also "propose measures to remedy this unacceptable situation," explain our colleagues in France 5.

A report from the Senate is expected in late September.

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