Fully vaccinated can transmit delta just as easily – and new variant shows signs of vaccine breakout – early UK research suggests


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While vaccinations still appear to reduce a person’s overall risk of catching the delta variant, research released Friday by Public Health England (PHE) found early evidence that people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 may be able to transmit the hyperinfectious strain as easily as those that are not.


With their findings described in a new technical briefing, scientists at PHE said initial analysis of available data indicates that virus levels in people infected with the delta variant after being vaccinated “may be similar” to levels found. in unvaccinated people.

PHE called the research “early exploratory analysis” and wrote that “more targeted studies” are needed to determine how well vaccinated people can transmit the delta variant to others.

Separately, the public health agency said another variant on the rise in the UK, a strain known as B.1.621 which was discovered in Colombia, has shown signs of evading the response. immune triggered by Covid-19 vaccines or a previous infection.

PHE said “there is preliminary laboratory evidence” suggesting that “vaccination and previous infection may be less effective in preventing infection” with this strain, although there is “no evidence” that ‘it is more transmissible than the delta variant, which now accounts for around 99% of new cases in the UK.

According to PHE, there have been 37 confirmed cases of B.1.621 in England in six different regions, and it has also been identified in several other countries, including the United States.

Surprising fact

Data shared by PHE also showed that among the confirmed delta cases who have been hospitalized since July 19, 55.1% of the 1,467 were unvaccinated, while 34.9% had received both doses of the vaccine. Experts stressed that hospitalizations of vaccinated people do not mean vaccines don’t work.

Crucial quote

“Although vaccines offer high levels of protection, they are not 100% and will not prevent everyone from catching Covid-19,” PHE said on Friday. “As the population gets vaccinated, we will see a higher relative percentage of people vaccinated in the hospital.”

Key context

The results from Public Health England match research released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As it sought to explain its sudden pivot on mask advice for those vaccinated, the agency released a study suggesting that fully immune people who contract Covid-19 can pass the virus to others just as easily. than unvaccinated people.

Further reading

“Double-needle hospitalized rates will rise – but that doesn’t mean Covid vaccines are failing” (The Guardian)

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