2018 is the most disappointing BlizzCon of all time


Cortyn is not satisfied with the BlizzCon 2018. Because she would not have needed a show for the show until now.

Although only one of the BlizzCon 2018 has been completed for two days, I am already rather unhappy with the BlizzCon.

The big ads are gone. In other words, there were no big announcements.

Overwatch Reunion Bob screen captureAll of these things are not spectacular. All these things are happy that Blizzard would otherwise "come out" during a year. New heroes for HotS and Overwatch are released regularly, as well as new enhancements for Hearthstone. There is no need for a house just for. So, the real "news" announcements remain:

Warcraft 3: Reforged and Immortal Diablo.

Warcraft 3: Frankly, I'm pretty happy with Reforged. Some time ago, I had re-searched Warcraft 3 and was wondering what the game would look like in more up-to-date graphics. My only criticism is that the remake seems to lose some of its "comic charm", but I prefer to wait for the finished game than to judge it in advance.Title Warcraft 3 Reforged

The baked blow: Diablo Immortal

Although I do not play myself at Diablo 3, Blizzard franchises are important to me. Not least because at least in Heroes of the Storm, I like to play the heroes or at least look at the story of Diablo.

The disaster that Diablo Immortal has experienced at BlizzCon has never been seen before in games. In contrast, even the debacle on the EA battlefield was a joke.

Why does Blizzard leave the development of its own franchise to a company like NetEase? How can you give "your baby" out of hand, even if you are a publisher?

Our shoemaker says that Blizzard has been proven "in steel eggs", but I think Blizzard completely ignored the interest of his own community with the game.Diablo Immortal Screen 4

All you have to do is ask: What is BlizzCon? A show celebrating Blizzard and its games, created by a loyal team built over the decades. These are PC gamers or PS4 and Xbox One players and maybe some isolated players of Mobile Hearthstone. But if the pure players "Mobile Hearthstone" were represented at the BlizzCon, I would doubt it.

Blizzard has a team that likes to play at home and spend hours in foreign worlds. Blizzard has, at least in the West, almost no player who wants to watch for hours on a small smartphone screen.

DIablo Immortal Crusader is not amused title

Honestly, I felt a little sorry for the two developers who had to announce Diablo Immortal on stage. Hundreds of people are waiting with hope and hope to see Diablo 4, a new extension of Diablo 3 or a remake of Diablo 2, and it will be difficult to sell them anything else. Showing them something that they immediately hate, to the extreme, is then at a completely different level.

Or to say it with the comments under the video Diablo: "No king reigns forever, my son."

But at least one good thing – there are beautiful memes, including some of my old favorites:

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It is perhaps well that Blizzard "flames" with this BlizzCon but especially with Diablo Immortal. Because maybe Blizzard must meet the shareholders and therefore totally rely on the mobile – but if the players do not want it, the interests of the shareholders should disappear very far in the background.

Of course, the BlizzCon is more than just new ads. It is also the venue for many eSports tournaments and a community meeting. But I can not and do not want to evaluate these aspects here. I can only note the new ads and they are nothing less than a joke this year.

I would not have needed a BlizzCon for that.WoW Malfurion troll headline

But hey, at least some details about World of Warcraft still interest me, so it's not a total fiasco.

What do you think of the BlizzCon 2018 so far?

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