2018 World Cup: Denmark – A famous father suffers with the hero of penalties Schmeichel


World Cup 2018

Denmark-Aus The famous father suffers with the penalty hero Schmeichel

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Quick match report: Croatia – Denmark

Croatia wins 4: 3 penalties against Denmark in a knockout round and is now in the quarter-finals of the World Cup, where the team surprise from Russia is waiting.

Kaspar Schmeichel was the best man on the pitch against Croatia. Even the world star Modric, he once fooled. Nevertheless, the Dane was one of the losers in the end. His famous father suffered in the stadium.

E r could only be sorry: Kaspar Schmeichel showed in the round of 16 World Cup final against Croatia, probably the best game of his career. And yet, the goalkeeper of the Danish national team buried his face deep in his goalkeeper gloves at the end of a long football evening. The trophy for "the man of the match" could not change either.

He and Denmark had just lost on penalties and were out of the quarter-finals, losing 2-1 (1-1, 1-1). And although the 31-year-old had three penalties during the match played and was sure of his team.

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"We would have deserved to win the match," said a disappointed flatterer after a match that had started as a tsunami, strongly decreased and was finally decided by the penalty spot.Outider Denmark landed there first and foremost

Here is the schedule of the 2018 World Cup.

Flatterer is known as the killer of Penalty

Profoundly in injury time, in the 116th minute, referee Nestor Pitana whistled after an emergency stop by Mathias Jörgensen against Frankfurt's penalty kick at Ante Rebic. Croatia superstar Luka Modric and Schmeichel – with the best end for the Danes

Modric pushed the ball into the right corner, flattery had guessed and buried the game machine under him. "It was bitter for me to draw the penalty because I have pbaded "All morning studying to pull the best against the flatterers," said Modric later, an indication of how flattering is man-to-man in the duel. 19659019] Kasper Schmeichel “/>

Kasper Schmeichel was elected "Man of the Match". His joy was limited


The numbers prove it too: six penalties, the final man Leicester City was the fourth player for which he was able to qualify and he was also the winner of the psycho duel in the preliminary round against Peru.

Schmeichel vs. Subasic – The defender of the duel on an equal footing

The parade of father Peter Schmeichel was applauded with frenzy, while the legend of the goalkeeper was sitting in the stands of Nizhny Novgorod and followed the game of his son with a full-bodied action Arms smiling and hugged celebrated the 1992 European champion held the penalty. And it was not the last time.

Because the game went on penalties and that he was more flattering as his Croatian opponent Danijel Subasic in the center. The good reflexes of the two goalkeepers and the weak nerves of the shooters were due to both saving one shot after the other.

Premier Schmeichel took a penalty kick by Milan Badelj, then parried the fourth attempt of the Croatians by Josip Pivaric. Always accompanied by the great joy of the father. Only problem: Subasic did it as well.

Also the Monaco goalkeeper held the first and fourth attempts. In each case, a flatterer could follow. But as Subasic had also repelled the shot Nicolai Jørgensen and Ivan Rakitic, then flattered in the wrong corner, the World Cup of Denmark was completed. Kapsar Schmeichel did not deserve it. This is also why the football world cried with him afterwards

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