2018 World Cup: Sharing of the Fallen World Champions: The others are to blame


The others are responsible. After the blameworthy preliminary round, some players lack insight.

Munich – Jerome Boateng repents. "He was missing a lot," said the defender of the world on Sunday: "will, pbadion, conviction". Until now, so true.

But himself? Boateng, the world champion? Well, said the Bayern professional after his long injury, maybe he had missed the pace of the match, but: "In terms of will and duel, I can not blame myself." A resignation from the DFB's team is not a problem for him, "I still do not see myself at the zenith of my performance, on the contrary." But who was responsible for the historic bankruptcy? "We just had too many failures," Boateng said.

Guilt – it's always the others. Anyone who reads and hears the explanations of the national actors for Aus even sees after a few days a low self-knowledge, which is well known to be the first step towards healing. Everyone is "shocked" or "sad". Everyone admits that they have not arrived at their abilities, that's all. But responsible for that? So please!

Mysterious powers seem to have worked between Moscow, Sochi and Kazan. Otherwise how to explain that Boateng the team in Russia felt "paralyzed". Or Sebastian Rudy saw this "unfortunately somehow blocked", as he announced now – of course, social media, the modern royal road for penitent stars. Because their speeches rarely lead to real factual debates.

Süle: The criticism is only allowed by the "real fans"

The traditional media? All defeatists and enemies of the team, who have tried "all that is bad talk", as announced Saturday the national player Niklas Süle via Instagram. Criticism is appropriate and justified, but only by "real fans".

Such statements reveal much of the pride that has spread in the world champion bubble in recent years – and leads to ruin in Russia. "Now," Boateng demanded, "the good conclusions must be drawn." What could be that? Boateng retired, while Mesut Özil and Sami Khedira, as well as national coach Joachim Löw, "had time to get out", as captain Manuel Neuer and Thomas Müller. "(Özil)

Making Özil a scapegoat, his boyfriend Boateng rightly said, was out of use." Mesut is a human, you can not let go of all the criticism, all the The team is in charge, "he said, but whoever calls the whole thing as cause frees the individual to find errors in himself.

Maybe the players do not know it Nor can the explanations for the catastrophe against South Korea be deduced: "missing structure" (Mats Hummels) or "insufficient preparation" (Neuer), especially, it seemed like a profound helplessness. [19659003] And now? "If we meet soon with the team, I just want to be positive," said Boateng.He wants to "represent again Germany we know, a confident team that represents the beautiful football, power football. "

All information about the Co World Cup 2018 can be found in Sunday's News Ticker [19659003] sid

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