5 questions about the horror accident – How can Schalke Harit help? – Bundesliga season 2017/18


Even 4 days after the death of Schalke's young star, Amine Harit (21 / BILD reported), it's not very clear. One thing is certain: the Moroccan international was involved in a deadly car accident Saturday night, according to the Marrakech police, when a pedestrian was about to cross the street.

What about Harit? BILD answers the most important questions about the horror accident

What is the new status?

Harit's statement to the prosecutor has been postponed, reports AFP. A new appointment remained open. His pbadport holds back, he can not leave Morocco. Originally, it was supposed to be heard Monday. The prosecutor must decide whether he should be found for negligent homicide. Then threaten up to 5 years of imprisonment.

Who helps Harit?

Coach, teammate, officer – it will only go together. Head Coach Domenico Tedesco (32), who said: "We have a smart team and strong characters in the team that will provide all the support to Amine."

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photo: Gerd Scheewel

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Joined FC Schalke FC Nantes in 2017: Amine Harit Photo: Gerd Scheewel

What makes Schalke?

The vice-champion has his hands tied from a distance. As an employer, the badociation has no right of access to the Moroccan authorities. Schalke keeps in touch with Harit, but does not want to comment until there is new reliable information.

Are there sporting consequences?

Not yet. After the World Cup with Morocco Harit received 3 weeks of special holidays. The PR trip to China (up to 12.7.) He would not have participated anyway. Tedesco: "I do not think much about it – they are clear to the victim and his family."

Contractual consequences are threatened?

Only when Harit would be imprisoned The lawyer Christoph Schickhardt (63) explains: "If a player is no longer able to offer his strength, the club is no longer obliged to continue to pay his salary. "

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