65th birthday: Christoph Daum usually has a straight nose – sport


Looking back in the evolution of the history of German football, it must be said: yes, Christoph Daum was allowed to have an "absolute conscience" in 2000. The little coke. As clean as the fairy tale of summer 2006 was the best national coach of all time, which could never be that because of this cocaine case, forever.

Trainer Christoph Daum has always been honest: "And looking back, I must say that it was a mistake." It was considered straightforward: "I do not care if it's a Brazilian, a Pole, a Croatian, North German or South German.The performance decides, not a blood group." Daum was diligent: "We are still in the UEFA Cup! For this I work 25 hours a day." During the remaining hours, he continued to develop modern football: "Others educate their children in a bilingual way, I I'm both on the move. "

Daum knew that all his clubs (Cologne, Stuttgart, Leverkusen, Besiktas, Vienna, Austria, Fenerbahce, Frankfurt, Bruges, Bursaspor) still supported him fully – he calmly took it: "You do not always have the absolute majority behind you, sometimes even 51% are enough. "Only Bayern wanted it, as far as we know, never. In any case, the task would have been too inexpensive for Daum: "In these cases, even the housekeeper has already become ten times mistress!"

Principle of rotation and principle of detonation

Too bad, a collaboration with the leaders of Bayern would have been very exciting ("I can not let Uli Hoeneß speak about the character"). For Daum too, the success was at the top: "Whether it's the rotation principle or the detonation principle: the most important thing we win!" And the already legendary Munich contest against the press representatives that Daum would certainly have joined at the time: "The stories of empirical research of Arabian Nights."

Daum has always asked the intelligent questions: "The goal has fallen at the most unfavorable moment, but we must also ask ourselves if there are objectives that fall at a psychologically favorable moment." Words of a German master trainer (VfB & # 39; 92), which did not always, but often the right nose.

Dear Christoph Daum, Happy 65th Anniversary!

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