Eintracht Frankfurt confirms "early engagement" by Luca Torró


By Peppi Schmitt

FRANKFURT – One goes, the other comes. The day after the farewell was announced by Kevin Prince Boateng, Eintracht Frankfurt was able to confirm the early obligation of another new player. Spaniard CA Osasuna of Pamplona will face Spanish midfielder Lucas Torro, 23 years old. "We are in good negotiations and optimistic that it works," confirmed manager Bruno Hübner from Spain. The Torrós Osasuna club had already announced the change via Twitter, although the latest formalities – such as the final medical test – have not yet taken place. Eintracht's trading partner is Real Madrid, which loaned Torró to Osasuna with a call option and used this option. Concord would have paid 3.5 million euros for the Spaniard.

Vallejo unlikely return: Torró played 37 second division games last season, scoring a goal. "He can play in the defensive midfield and in central defense," says Hübner. It refers to the good experience that Eintracht has acquired with young players from Spain and Real Madrid. Omar Mascarell, who has just moved to Schalke, and Jesus Vallejo, to whom Eintracht would like to return but who will probably continue to play for Real, send their greetings. The big difference with the previous one is Real: If the transfer in the next days as planned goes on stage, it would happen without further clauses. The 1.90 meter Torró would then be "unrestricted", says Hübner, from Frankfurt.

Croatian does not have a non-participation clause: it is also Ante Rebic. Even the Croatian does not have an exclusion clause, badured the director of Frankfurt. However, Fiorentina would benefit from a resale. And that must come out of concord, although there are no official requests. "Ante is playing a very good World Cup, there will certainly be something to come," said Hübner. The goal is, of course, to "keep Rebic". If this is possible will be up to the player. Of course, Rebic will not change for Bayern. Former coach Niko Kovac made the verbal commitment not to bring a professional Eintracht to Munich.

Five others new? If Rebic also left, Eintracht would have lost five "difference players". So she is facing a change again. "It's not funny," admits Hübner, "but we are very optimistic that we can do it again." In addition to the previous approaches (Rönnow, Wiedwald, Müller and probably Torró), four or five new ones will come.

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