The Free2Play Warframe shooter arrives on the Nintendo Switch


The online action game Warframe comes to the Nintendo Switch. This has just been announced at TennoCon 2018. However, the release of Warframe for Switch is not yet known

The Next Platform : Warframe was released on March 25, 2013 for PC. On November 29, 2013, he came on PlayStation 4 and on September 2, 2014, he went for the third-person shooter on the Xbox One. Now, Digital Extremes developer has announced that Warframe is coming to the Nintendo Switch. This fits very well, with Warframe being more popular than ever with the new "Sacrifice" update.

Warframe as "Slow-Burn": Warframe is a phenomenon in online games. In 2013, the development studio "Digital Extremes" turned their back on the wall and launched Warframe as a last attempt. But every year the game seems to improve with the fans. Praise especially the family and the open relationship between players and developers. Since Warframe took the Eidolon Plains to the open world at TennoCon 2017, the Space Ninja flight has continued to increase.  Warframe Switch

Experienced Switch Studio is behind the port

The port was outsourced: For the Switch Port is the studio "Panic Button" responsible. They have already successfully brought some games to the switch, like "Rocket League". You can see a first integrated trailer above.

This is surprising: Unlike other games like Fortnite, Warframe has just waited with such a port. Only very shyly some fans have expressed their hopes. The Warframe developers, however, kept the door open in April 2018 to consider such a port. The switch does not have too much title online yet. But there are others.

What is the release of Warframe for the Nintendo Switch ? This is currently unknown. The game will be Free2Play  Warframe shoot

We are on the site: My MMO reports live this year since the 2018 TennoCon in Canada. Just a few hours ago, Digital Extremes announced the addition of two new Warframes to their shooter. If any other important developments are announced in Ontario, you can find it here on My MMO

Update at 1:00 am: Read all about the Venus extension here now and it's the only way it's available. really like in:

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