"Song about a good policeman"


The race of Russian activists in the World Cup final has serious consequences: four members of the political punk band Pussy Riot had to go to jail. However, even after the conviction, the group continues to provoke

The group of punk rock dissidents Pussy Riot continues to provoke the Russian government after its spectacular turmoil in the final of the World Cup in Moscow last Sunday.

One day after the conviction of the three disrupters For their accomplice of 15 days, the group published a "Song about a good policeman", in which the Russian authorities are described as friendly and kind with the population, according to a statement of group "In a utopian dream of an alternative political reality".

The song is intended as a vision of a "world where the police are fed up with the persecution of homobaduals, the war on drugs and the ally with activists instead of arresting them and to imprison them ". continue with

SEE ON GOOD COPhttps: //t.co/ioeZ3vDqn3 pic.twitter.com/pFObHpZr0o

– ????? ???? (@badrrriot) July 17, 2018

With the release of his latest work, Pussy Riot posted a list of several requests to the Russian government on the Internet.

"Gross Violation": Olga Pachtussova and Olga Kuracheva before their hearing. (Source: Sergei Karpukhin / Reuters)

The group calls for the release of their imprisoned comrades and Oleg Senzow, a terrorist sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, and the cessation of the dissolution of demonstrations anti-government public and cessation State measures against the Russian opposition Alexey Navalny.

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