Caught in front of the DFB headquarters – Here is Jogi at the analysis of the World Cup – football


We are now working on our embarrbading World Cup!

Twenty-one days after the defeat of our defending champion in the preliminary round, the sports leaders met today for a Pleiten badysis

The national coach Jogi Löw (58) has arrived at 11.44 DFB headquarters in Frankfurt. Also included: Oliver Bierhoff, director of the national team, and Thomas Schneider and Marcus Sorg, badistants of Löw, arrived by taxi at 12.30.

Reinhard Grindel (56) had already arrived at 9:41. Some of the work is the president of the DFB but not today. For the moment, the sports management meets without him. The summit announced with Grindel then goes up later.

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Photo: Reinhard Roskaritz

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DFB President Reinhard Grindel in front of the headquarters Photo: Reinhard Roskaritz

Taken in front of the DFB headquarters: Here is Jogi for the badysis of the World Cup

Jens Grittner , spokesman for the DFB to continue their vote and meetings focusing on WM's badysis. "And further:" This is not the first meeting, and it will not be the last. The managers are working. "

Loew entered Wednesday at the DFB headquarters for no reason.His last public statement, he made the Ko preliminaries the day after the return of Russia to the Frankfurt airport.

The national coach: "There is not a single reason or the only thing that has contributed to the failure, there are many reasons we must work together." my responsibility to do so. "

At the latest at the DFB Presidium Summit on August 24, Löw will present his badysis. Probably earlier.

The 6.9. begins the national team with the match against France in the League of Nations. "

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