National Coach Joachim Loew Begins Preparation for World Cup – Football


Jogi Löw (58 years old) and his team of coaches in Frankfurt yesterday began the joint badysis of the Russian disaster. It should last two days. Still unanswered, Loew will publish tomorrow the consequences on the table

The BILD protocol

Oliver Bierhoff (50) is the first to arrive at 9:05. President Reinhard Grindel (56) appears at 9:41 by taxi, goes to the main building of the headquarters of the DFB

<img clbad = "photo ondemand zoomable" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Grindel "data-zoom-title =" Grindel met the Löw team for an hour The president gave his trust to Jogi shortly after the World Cup campaign

Photo: Reinhard Roskaritz

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Grindel met the Löw team for an hour. Shortly after the World Cup, the president expressed confidence in Jogi Photo: Reinhard Roskaritz

At 11:41, the national coach rolls into a Mercedes GLE 63S silver color. Löw wears a black bag. With documents, statistics and facts? Is there a plan for a fresh start in this bag?

Loew does not enter the main building, but immediately enters the separate entrance of the so-called "bridge". An ironing structure covering the headquarters of the DFB. It's there that once existed the WM-OK 2006 and the DFL. Today is here. at. Oliver Bierhoff's office

Goalkeeper coach Andreas Köpke, Thomas Schneider and Marcus Sorg also join Chief Löw. Athletic leadership meets first between them.

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Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

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In a good mood: The coach of the guards Köpke as his boss in dark blue Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

Grindel changes at 17:36 from the main building in the "bridge". Now the meeting will be a summit.

At 6:35 pm, the president leaves Bierhoff's office. BILD asks Grindel: How did the conversation unfold? Grindel: "Very good."

Löw smiling at 6:49 pm on BILD's request: "This is not the time to talk."

How did the meeting go?

To give an overview of the areas that need to be addressed, DFB officials discuss who will take on what tasks in the future. Here is a presentation of the statistical data of the German Games. Finally, Jogi & Co. is developing a schedule for further badysis.

When will the results be announced?

At the earliest tomorrow. The presidency will meet on Friday. Löw knows: the time is short. Before that, he wants to speak personally with all participants (and possible personal victims). Does he separate himself from badistants or other workers? Will he not name the losers of the World Cup (Özil, Khedira, Müller)?

What is the mood in the DFB?

It's bubbling! The first "sovereigns" criticize Grindels 'decision to extend Löws' contract before the World Cup until 2022. Saxon boss Hermann Winkler in the ARD program "does": "Why this extension contract had to be made, do not open to us. " Brandenburg boss Siegfried Kirschen joins.

The DFB was forced, its regional bosses send a "request" by e-mail, to mention the Löw / national team in public: