Erdogan for Mesut Özil: Özdemir shoots against the DFB – 2018 World Cup


"The catastrophic crisis management of the DFB following Erdogan's photos has given way to right-wing attacks and the hoped-for debate over whether the Germans-Turks born here are actually part of our society or remain forever strangers.

"Desolate situation"

Özdemir continues: "The current situation is described with the word sorry even minimizing. We are pushed back years, thanks to Bierhoff, Grindel and Co .. Now it seems that they were looking after the first scapegoat to save their work. "

Özil's resignation from the Özdemir national team would be very unfortunate:" This would be a fatal signal in terms of integration, if the young German Turks feel that 39: they have no place in the German national team. "

" Erdogan would be happy "

Özdemir adds:" I am sure that Erdogan would be delighted to see you again. he succeeded in strengthening the social division in our country as well. "

Video: Özdemir bites over the cowardice of the DFB in the Erodgan affair

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