Rot-Weiss Essen: Coach Neitzel in BILD Interview – Football


At least for one day, the best football goes to Essen. Betis Sevilla (including the former BVB Bartra), David Huddersfield and Werder Bremen and Ruhr participate in the blitz tournament.

BILD talks with Karsten Neitzel (50), RWE coach, about the tournament and the upcoming regional tournament.

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photo: JOHN CLIFTON / Reuters

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David Wagner celebrated relegation with Huddersfield in England Photo: JOHN CLIFTON / Reuters

BILD: What significance does the tournament have?

Karsten Neitzel (50 years old): "The tournament has something to mark! I like to watch Spanish and English football and the friendship of the fans with Werder is well known."

Qu & # Do you expect from your team?

"It's a dress rehearsal for us, of course, there are three leagues of difference but we will not be the rabbit in front of the snake."

In the semifinals, this is against Werder Bremen. Your Opinion on the North Club

"Florian Kohfeldt has played an excellent second half, and the interaction between junior and professional players is impressive – with the players and coaches – there's not a lot of clubs in Germany Werder can not only be a footballer badume a role model. "

What is the goal of the tournament? Even the victory?

" We want to try a few things a week before the start of the league – if they play against Bremen, why not in the regional league? "We need this self-confidence!"

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Photo: Revierfoto

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In April, Neitzel began his service with RWE Photo: Revierfoto

Why do your players need it?

"When you hit the head permanently with a hammer, you need someone to whom it's what we need to be as a sports leader."

What do you think you from your team?

"I am satisfied, the team is solid, has a good character and we play in the 4th league So we all have room to breathe and we have to be able to improve." [19659002Istheteamalsoreadyforthered-whitefoodandthepressurethatcomeswithit?

"I hope we can work together One thing is important to me: we have talked a lot in recent weeks – with the media, with each other, with the team – now we have to show in the field, we worked hard, now we have to shut up and play football. "

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photo: imago

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Marc Bartra (left) played for Borussia Dortmund in Germany Photo: imago

What is your philosophy on the field?

"When you go on vacation for a week, the result is always decisive and win the weekend, so it was just the right preparation, in a defeat that you may have resulted so well, then you have everything hurts. "

How do you rate the quality of Regionalliga West?

"Hard We all hope that the race at the top of the table will be wider and more open, I think it will be five, six teams and we want to be one of them." [19659002] Master of the West League gets up straight this year. What does the purpose of the season look like?

"I do not know what purpose we should be in. Seriously, we finished 10th last year, so we can not pbad the promotion now as a goal to be realistic despite the high expectations."

C & # 39;?

"Of course we want to get up, we want to win every week, but football also demands respect from the opponents and I would be happy if we could do a solid job over two or three years."

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " -bochum-karsten-neitzel-29394310-56379496 / 2, w1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Formed VfL Bochum once: Karsten Neitzel "data-zoom-title =" VfL formed Bochum : Karsten Neitzel

picture: imago

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Coach VfL Bochum once: Karsten Neitzel Photo: imago

How would you like to convince fans of this path?

"We have to show – especially at home – that we are not an anxious troupe Of course, the end counts for the public."

Today, Schalke tests his rival Schwarz-Weiss Essen. Why should fans still come to the Essen stadium?

"We are committed to lighting the fire on the ground, not to chat, but to do." We would like to send fans home after a home game And we want to start on Saturday. "

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