Arp says Bayern and extended to HSV – The win-win-win decision – season 2017/18


Fiete Arp (18 years old) remains at HSV, extending his contract until 2020. A surprising turn, Arp not to Bavaria. Not yet!

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Photo: picture alliance / SvenSimon

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Jewel Fiete Arp fired for the HSV in the second league. At the age of 18, Arp has a market value of 7.5 million euros and is currently the most valuable HSV professional of the team Photo : picture alliance / SvenSimon

Because: The youngster is at Münchnern in the word, is expected to move to Munich in 2020 and collect about 5 million annual salary.

Fiete will stay until he leaves in two years. Nevertheless, all are satisfied – BILD explains the win-win-win situation!

Win HSV: The second division retains its best talent, its crowd and its identification number after the bitter descent.

Win Arp : The young star receives a salary increase HSV, can stay in his club and in his city. He has just moved into his first apartment with his girlfriend

Arp : "Leaving this club has never been an option for me.Especially in a difficult time, you can not and do not want to separate from the HSV. " ► Win Bayern: The Munichers have a more mature striker when Arp plays and evolves accordingly

The boss of Bayern, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge: "I think this decision is very good on his part."

The captain would have had to be informed when another club requested it. Arp has been through all the HSV youth teams since 2010. In the last season, he was the shooting star, is the youngest scorer in the Bundesliga in the history of the club .

Meet the HSV stars here!

Now the restart in the second league. Arp has for the moment given up heavy coal from Bayern for the HSV, but he still has to fight: Currently he is behind Lasogga and Wintzheimer only third striker …

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