Destiny 2: This is how you level the catalyst masterpiece of worm whisperers


The new exotic sniper whisper of the worm can now be won on Destiny 2. It's one of the best guns of the game right now. To make the weapon even better, you can improve it to the chef-d 'oeuvre version. To do this, we will explain in this guide.

Bungie is a true climax in preparing for the upcoming Forsaken Expansion for Destiny 2. In a difficult and time-limited quest, the exotic sniper rifle can now be acquired.

Although she is a regular exotic, this weapon is extremely powerful and probably embodies the most powerful weapon of the game. But with an exotic masterpiece catalyst, the weapon can to be made even stronger.

Learn How to Reach the Appropriate Catalyst and How to Level it

 Destiny 2 Whisper 2

Whisper of the Worm – The Road to the Masterpiece [19659008] You need this first: To turn the Whisper of the Worm into a masterpiece, you must first reincarnate the black spindle and the leader. catalyst badociated work. Learn how to get this exotic sniper and its catalyst into our guide:

Whispering the Worm – How to Get the New Exotic Sniper

How to Achieve Progress for the Worm Catalyst Whisper [19659]

Catalyst progress well behind Time Lock: Weekly, up to now, a maximum advance of 36% can be achieved for the catalyst per week.

This advance can only be advanced in the heroic version of the Wisper mission. Level 400) and consists of three parts that must be manipulated for the maximum percentage of yield. These are 5 secret boxes, an oracle puzzle, and the successful completion of the heroic mission itself. [194559003] Incidentally: The Heroic Mission "Wisper" has weekly modifiers:

  • Arc / Solar / Void Monkey: It's basically a kind of elemental burn or burn modifier that increases the damage done to some elements and that alternates every seven days.
  • Hungry Blighted: Give bonus damage based on the advance of Wisper Catalyst

  Destiny 2 spinle mission 3

5 secret boxes

A total of 5 boxes secrets are hidden in the labyrinth of the Wisper Mission. Each gives you an IO token plus a damaged gasoline that gives you 2% progress in leveling the catalyst the first time you open it each week.

At this point, you receive 10% of the required progress.

Note: The five hidden boxes must be found and opened for you to open an additional sixth box at the following Oracle phase:  Destiny 2 vex portal

Oracle Riddle

The Sixth Box: If you have opened the previous five boxes, you have the option of a sixth box. In the labyrinth, there is a portal Vex where oracles appear when the five previous boxes were looted.

By solving the oracle puzzle reminiscent of the Destiny 1 glbad chamber, and even a glimpse of Granted the legendary Vault of Glbad, you can generate a bonus box that grants you another Blighted Essence, which is 2% progress, and three IO tokens – again, only at the first weekly opening.

Mystery Oracle: If you find yourself on the portal or jump on it, seven oracles will appear, destroying it in a sequence of three sequences.

First, they all appear one after the other and reveal their position, after that all appear at once. Do not shoot at them until all seven are in a row. If you see less than seven, you missed a box somewhere

 Destiny 2 Oracles Numbers

The oracles carry the numbers 1-7 – 1 left out from left to right , 7 just outside. Destroy the oracles in the sequence in the following order:

  • Wave 1: 1, 3, 5
  • Wave 2: 4, 6, 7, 3 , 1 [19659015] Wave 3: 7, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 5

Did you manage to bring up the sixth box?

Bonus: Kiste has much more in reserve when opening for the first time:

  • You will receive exotic plans for a ship. To complete this, you must have completed the Heroic Wisper mission with the three elements of the Monkey modifier. You will probably need at least three weeks to do it. It is not known yet if the following quest steps are still known.
  • Players already in possession of the Sleep Simulation Masterpiece catalyst will also receive the IO-JYS data required for the second sleep simulator upgrade stage. Catalyst needed

Incidentally, The five boxes and the sixth oracle box can be collected solo.

Video Guide to Craters and the Mystery of Oracle: See all boxing sites and a detailed explanation of the oracle phase in this PlanetDestiny Video Guide.

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End of the Heroic Mission

Successfully complete the heroic mission Wisper by: You have also promoted the three bosses in the virtual below, so you get 1 for that 2 other damaged Essences, and so 24% for the Progress of Catalyst Mistress Wisper.

Good to know: The first time you will play the Heroic Mission a second time, the weekly maximum To make progress. Because the 12 Blown Essences for successful completion are only available after you have received the catalyst – ie. The second race.

Catalyst Progress of the Wisp behind the Time Lock

If you successfully master these three challenges, you can get 36% progress – the maximum of the count for a week. It will take you at least three weeks to update the Worm's Whisper to the Masterpiece.  Destiny 2 Murmur of Kat Advanced

Note: It is not yet known if the whispering mission remains permanently available or if it is possibly related to the point of 39, IO flash or even to other factors. If this is the case, it is quite possible that the leveling of the catalyst takes much more than three weeks.

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