Joachim Löw is looking for a conversation with Mesut Özil – Fussball


Up to now, Jogi Löw (58) and Oliver Bierhoff (50) have had no contact with Mesut Özil (29) after his resignation agreement last Sunday. This should change after BILD information now! A telephone conversation with the Arsenal star is scheduled in a timely manner

Harun Arslan (61), Löw's adviser, speaks in the "Der Spiegel" of Özil's controversial photo with Turkish leader Erdogan in May: "It was an invitation [19959003] He described Özil's tripartite statement as" an explosion of emotions "and was" 100% sure "that the 2014 World Champion was Conscious of the finesse of his three-man account: "Even though Mesut is a reserved human, do you really believe that a world star like him who gave up his father dictates everything? "

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Photo: Lars Kaletta

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National coach Jogi Löw (left) and his adviser Harun Arslan. Arslan also works closely with Özil consultant Erkut Sögüt Photo: Lars Kaletta

Arslan works with Erkut Sögüt, consultant of Özil, on the English market and has no link with the professional arsenal.

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