Resignation of Mesut Özil: DFB wants to contact Özil


DFB wants to talk to Özil

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  Club Atletico Madrid - Arsenal - International Champions Cup 2018
The DFB wants to contact the player in case of conflict with Mesut Özil
© Getty Images

According to statements by Mesut Özil and Reinhard Grindel, the leaders of the DFB are now looking for a timely conversation with the 2014 world champion.

A little more than a week after the resignation of Mesut Özil from the national team, the sports direction of the German Football Federation (DFB) wants to contact the world champion 2014. This brought the & # 39; "image" saturday.

Apparently, therefore, "timely" a phone call with Özil is planned. It is unclear whether coach Joachim Loew, national team manager Oliver Bierhoff or both would speak at a conference with Turkish midfielder Arsenal.

Özil was late last week because of the Erdogan case. resigned from the DFB team last May alongside Turkish President Autocrat Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The 29-year-old man had personally made the badociation and the president of the DFB, Reinhard Grindel, allegations of racism.

The DFB and Grindel have rejected the allegations in the meantime. Löw and Bierhoff have not publicly commented on the departure of Özil from the national team.

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