Stefan Effenberg, SPORT1 expert, on FC Bayern and BVB


After the memorable press conference, it was before the match: FC Bayern Munich tried the 8th day of Bundesliga match at VfL Wolfsburg (Bundesliga: VfL Wolfsburg – FC Bayern Munich at 15.30 at LIVETICKER).

Four games without a win in series, plus an international break to scare – the German record champion is in a difficult position a long time ago. But it's not a "tangible crisis," says SPORT1Expert Stefan Effenberg. The former Bayern and Wolfsburg professional is convinced that Bayern stars have come to think and turn the tide.

in the SPORT1The interview reveals the winner of the 2001 Champions League who is asked from his point of view at Bayern how Klaus Augenthaler has ordered it with his teammates in the basement and what role will play Sebastian Rudy at FC Schalke 04.

Effenberg: "The species Leitwolf is extinct"

SPORT1: Mr. Effenberg, as a player, you were considered the absolute main wolf of your teams. If you look at the Bundesliga today, will you be struck by leaders in training?

Stefan Effenberg: To be honest, I can hardly distinguish lead wolves in the Bundesliga. How long I should think about it, until I can think of one. But you must also say that the definition of leaders today is very different from that of my time or even earlier.

SPORT1: Are there wolves in lead?

Effenberg: I would say that the species Leitwolf is extinct. Today, the teams work more in the collective, the responsibility is shared on many shoulders. If it's good, I do not know. In any case, as the head of an badociation, I would always like to have two or three people whom you can trust and whom you can repay. Manage things in a team. Things that a coach can not fix.

SPORT1: What do you think are the biggest differences between the leadership players of your time and those of today?

Effenberg: As for the mechanisms within a team, little has changed. However, I have the impression that we talk about it too much these days. There was an announcement and it worked.

SPORT1: Who, apart from you, has made such announcements, for example?

Effenberg: Klaus Augenthaler. He was an absolute leader, a leader, a captain. For example, he summoned the team and invited her to visit her cellar when the situation was tense or difficult. There were things addressed, it was pronounced, we went home and everyone was looking forward to the next day.

SPORT1: What distinguishes a football leader?

Effenberg: Leaders always show themselves in difficult phases. If you have a race and master your opponents, you do not need it. So lead wolves are not really synonymous. They have to do this in stressful situations, like now at Bayern or in the national team.

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FC Bayern: "A tangible crisis, I do not see it like that"

SPORT1: Let's talk about the national team. Who do you want officials to badume their responsibilities?

Effenberg: Neuer manual. Alone because he's captain. He must fulfill this role. But for him as a goalkeeper, of course, it's hard because he can not really influence the pitch. That's why it takes guys like Mats Hummels, Jerome Boateng, Toni Kroos. It is still the main responsibility of the national team to play a successful football again. It is only if these players themselves have problems and are self employed that the entire team suffers. Nevertheless, Joachim Löw must give confidence to these players even in a difficult phase as now, inflexible.

SPORT1: Many important national players are also in the receiving club, in Bayern, in a tangible crisis. How do you see the champion of the disc?

Effenberg: Tangible crisis? I do not think so Of course, the situation is tense because unusual for Bayern Munich. In the last six years they have had such a situation just once. There is almost exactly one year under Carlo Ancelotti. At that time, they ran shortly after, but they quickly reversed the trend because of their quality. Today, it is the same thing and I do not see any tangible crisis.

SPORT1: Four games without a win in series, sixth place and finally the 0: 3 home against Gladbach …

Effenberg: Sometimes you have to have such games to think. When you run from one win to the next, you just have to put one jack. But when you lose, you start to wonder. Then you think about it, especially if you are also shot in public. Then you start thinking about it. And that's a good thing, because players must be aware that it does not come back on their own. It is clear: Bayern has the necessary quality, the highest of the Bundesliga. But the stars must also be willing to recover them and do everything in their power. If they do, they will quickly remedy the situation in the Bundesliga.

SPORT1: Who are today the main wolves who invite the Bayern team to their home in the basement?

Effenberg: I can not imagine anything like that nowadays. But take responsibility, as in the national team, Neuer, Hummels, Boateng. But also Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery are needed because of their great experience in standing up and directing their man. You must expect that they remove the cart from the mud. Less with speeches, but especially with performances in the field.

SPORT1: You plead for the flight in the starting lineup?

Effenberg: I hear that they are fit and ready. Then, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with setting it up. Also despite the age. On the contrary. Especially that they were not with the national teams. An advantage for Bavaria because these breaks are beneficial to them. Importantly, they are 100%. Without Robben and Ribery 100%, Bayern will not win the Champions League because they are still too important. Basically, but all players should be 100%, otherwise there are problems, as we saw in the match against Gladbach. Obviously, not everyone was up to the game, either physically or mentally.

Effenberg waits for the fight for the title

SPORT1: Speaking of psyche: Bayern is missing now, but a fighter like Vidal?

Effenberg: No, it is not really that. It is now foolish to moan about any player who has left Bayern. Yes, Vidal is a fighter, no doubt, and he was precious to Bayern, but he did not make a difference.

SPORT1: Let's look at the competition. How do you evaluate the previous season of BVB?

Effenberg: The Dortmunder are being put forward, but rightly so. They play a big football. But that was not the case from the beginning. At the beginning of the season, the BVB was rather football to result, but it was just for safety. As a result, they could still play more freely and conquer the top of the table. That's exactly what Bayern must now do. The fact that BVB is at the top of the list will give the people of Munich additional motivation.

SPORT1: Do you expect a thrilling title fight?

Effenberg: It will certainly not be as far away as in recent years. The best teams are getting closer again. But aside from Bayern, I only see Dortmund. The current table is just a snapshot.

SPORT1: Leitwölfe is showing itself in difficult phases. So let's take a look at the cellar of the table. FC Schalke 04, rival of Dortmund, is trying to catch up with the start of the scary season. Which players lead the minors?

Effenberg: I see here an axis of smuggler, Naldo and Rudy. It is the people at the center of the game who are primarily responsible for the fact that the Schalke game sheet is running again for the better.

This interview was conducted before the FC Bayern press conference yesterday.

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