World of WarCraft Classic: High level content is unlocked with a delay; Details on adjustments


In the Blizzcon panel on WoW Clbadic, the developers again specified the functions and game systems. not will be available in World of Warcraft Clbadic. Counted were u.a. Dungeon Browsers, Raid Browsers, Difficulty Levels, Intergroup Groups, Feats, Disciples, Pet Fights, Aggregate Auction Houses and Flying Reefs and Ruffles. In addition, there is a maximum of 16 debuffs on the opponents.

Blizzard writes about the mail delivery system and the opportunity of two hours to exchange beets in groups "In-game mail is now being instantly distributed among guild members, but before it was an hour late, as with mail between strangers, the switch to instant mail made it all simpler, but it allowed for the removal of Social interaction for which a person was hired.For this reason, we have reintroduced the delay and introduced other elements of comfort such as automatic name entry or quick emptying of a box to letters, which was quite easy for us because the players By using an addon, we could find the same result without effort, and we did not find it useful to delete these features. (…) Previously, the Exchanging customers often asked for help if someone had accidentally looted something – some time window in which they feed on each other – can exchange players. Let's keep this convenience for Clbadic, so you do not get tons of customer service tickets totally useless for the gaming experience. "

"For clbades like thieves who rely on energy regeneration, things have also changed since the original game, with regeneration occurring to some extent depending on the" heart rate "of the server for example, taking two full seconds to get 20 Today, the system is balanced to regenerate 1 energy per minute, and this difference has affected the distances at which you could use certain abilities and what seems like a little fun today has significantly affected the pace and the fighting potential, we had an impact on the gameplay of the original game, which we wanted to bring back to offer you an authentic gaming experience. ", it continues.

The interface (API) used to create and use the interface mods is still not clear: "However, we know that we do not want to go back to the API version 1.12, which would open the door to almost complete automation of decision-making in combat and allow for a close" bot "behavior. which contradicts WoW's gaming experience. On the other hand, the modern API provides additional features for social features that could harm the authentic gaming experience of Clbadic. "

If World of WarCraft Clbadic will be released in the summer of 2019, all content will not be unlocked immediately. The content will be made available in four phases – and the opening ceremony of Ahn & Qiraj will take place again. Incidentally, battlefield and PvP (player vs player) rewards come into play only in the second phase, as the rewards are sometimes better than the rewards of the Phase 1 raid.

Here is the current phase plan:

  • Phase 1: The Molten Core (raid, 40 players, level 1), Onyxia (raid, 40 players), Say Maul (keep 5), Kazzak (World Boss) and Azuregos (World Boss)
  • Phase 2: Blackwing hideout (Raid, 40 players, level 2), rewards for battlefields and PvP, and Zul Gurub (raid, 20 players)
  • Phase 3: Ahn Qiraj (including opening event, raids for 20 and 40 players), raid level 0.5 (in 5 dungeons), content of Silithus and Green Dragons (four world bosses)
  • Phase 4: Raid Naxxramas (40 players, Level 3) and Scourge Invasion

Last video update: Blizzcon 2018 Demo game scenes

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