Rafael van der Vaart: end of career! That's what he suddenly stops


He will no longer score any official goal: Rafael Van der Vaart ends his career as a footballer.
Image: Oleh Dubyna / Shutterstock.com/spot in the news

He wants to stop before having fun soccer lost: Rafael van der Vaart (35) prematurely puts an end to his career in professional football, as he announced in an interview with the Dutch newspaper "De Telegraaf". The last time the ex-husband fled Sylvie Meis (40) for the Danish club Esbjerg fB. But there, he was several times absent because of a recent injury.

Rafael van der Vaart: The footballer ends his professional career after 18 years

As he can not do anything for his team at the moment, van der Vaart has now decided to leave after 18 years of professional career. Originally, it was only at the end of the season, so in mid-2019 he would not lose the pleasure and therefore had to stop now, said van der Vaart, the "Telegraaf".

This is behind the resignation of Rafael van der Vaart

"I wanted to become a football grandfather, but unfortunately that is not the case, and for now, I can only rejoice in all my football years," Van der Vaart said. 109 times, he represented the Dutch national team on the spot and celebrated with it in 2010 his greatest international success: his participation in the finals of the finals of the World Cup in South Africa. He had already said goodbye to the national team last month.

Rafael van der Vaart successful football player at HSV

German fans will always remember van der Vaart as an HSV player: he played 152 games for Hamburg. Van der Vaart has been involved with Dutch handball player Estavana Polman (26) since February 2016. In 2017, her first daughter Jesslynn was born, From the wedding with the presenter Sylvie Meis van der Vaart has a son Damian (12 years old).

Reminder of a beautiful career: Get yourself a poster of Rafael van der Vaart here

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