About Future Game Design: "Infinite" Stories


  Ubisoft wants to think bigger in the future when the term "open world" appears Ubisoft wants to think bigger in the future when the term "open world" comes into play.

The vice creative director of Ubisoft Studios, Lionel Raynaud in the blog article on the possibilities and future visions of the Open World titles of Ubisoft . In doing so, he draws an image of worlds in which countless activities must wait for the players during the progression of regular history. As a reason why the well-known and well-tested formula must change, it calls for the need for an extension of the service life of games.

Thus, it would be more important for live games in the future to provide new content for players for a long time after the launch. Even now, long after the planned post-launch period, we can see how players still want to spend time in the game worlds. In order to be able to offer a wider range of content in the future, Ubisoft is working on times on the effectiveness of game development and on the design of open worlds

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New Paths

In a clbadic open world scenario for example, if you had defeated the evil dictator and completed all the secondary work, the game ended because it was n & rsquo; There were more tasks for the Player gave. According to Raynaud, Ubisoft would like to start there

It is possible that players of the future games will have the opportunity to enter themselves into the politics of a region after the end of the year. Main objective. Or to engage in business and build a business. There are many conceivable scenarios that would work beyond simple history.

Specifically, Raynaud calls a Assbadin's Creed, who plays in several eras that we use on the Animus. could travel. One can also imagine a Far Cry or a Watch Dogs, who plays in several countries, between which the player could switch without problem

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6:06 p.m.

Ubisoft History: 1986 – 2018 – Video: A family affair in the war of independence

Advanced AI

The technical possibilities for making such huge games would be provided by future technologies. Raynaud also refers to the development of artificial intelligence . This could change the "NPCs and their behavior" in a sustainable way.

In the future, AIs will behave more humanly in games and will have a detailed memory about what the player has done in the past and about has come into the game world. Already at Far Cry 5, they worked in this direction, where NPCs react to events in other parts of the game world. Since you have free choice of the region to release first, the AI had to react flexibly at this stage. In the long term, Ubisoft aims to push the IA further in this direction.

A point that still needs improvement, especially in modern Far-Cry games, also finds mention: The intelligence of the enemy should improve . It should be 'not super-AI', 'kill you, no matter what you do', but the characters sophisticated and interesting.

The unit

In future multiplayer titles also play synergies between players ] an increasingly important role. As in Rainbow Six: Siege, the players of some operator should be happy that another player has chosen another particular clbad. At Ubisoft, design decisions would be explicitly set to evolve especially in team play

This would create a high level of " connectivity " with the game and other players, such as tactics and possible uses. discussed by these gaming systems in anticipation of a game. But even relatively small systems, such as the team bonus using an XP boost, would be used deliberately at Ubisoft to reinforce the link between the players.

In addition, Raynaud promises to continue goals for the community and modders. open . In Far Cry Arcade, which includes an integrated card maker, "we are creating a new community of game makers in the game."

Players can now be determined and evaluated using high level game data. For example, Raynaud calls heatmaps, which show crowded places in open game worlds and thus provide data on the elements that the player prefers to play. These data will allow Ubisoft to be considered for future games, which has been particularly strong in the development of The Division 2.

  The Game 2 - 6 minute gameplay with release date, plays in Washington DC


The gameplay of Division 2 – 6 minutes with the release date, playing Washington D.C.

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