All-You-Can-Daddel: the game pass for Microsoft game subscription soon on PC


Microsoft also wants to offer a PC subscription model for the purchase of games. Although there are still various details, but the announcement of the transfer of the game-pbad model of the Xbox on the PC comes from the top – on the part of the head of Microsoft, Nadella, personally.

According to data from Ars Technica, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently announced at the announcement of the recent commercial figures of the software company that they wanted to offer the Xbox Game Pbad also for the PC soon. Although he did not mention any specific details, he insisted that the availability of the gaming computer subscription should be an important part of Microsoft's strategy to increase the Attractiveness of the PC as a gaming platform.

Many questions left

We still do not know which games Microsoft wants to offer as part of the PC Game Pbad. It is also difficult to know if customers should subscribe separately in the future or if they can simply use a common subscription on the PC and their Xbox. Also for the price are still no details.

The Microsoft Game Pbad offer would compete on the PC with a variety of similar offers, such as Humble Monthly. They all have unlimited access to tens or even hundreds of games, the customer pays only a fixed monthly fee. For its part, however, Microsoft could use its good relationships with various third-party game producers to win attractive titles for its offering.

The Game Pbad has been available on the Xbox since early 2017 and allows access to an ever-changing library of approximately 200 game titles from 11 different publishers at the price of 9.99 €. In January 2018, Microsoft announced that all proprietary games from its internal Xbox game studios should be available directly to Game Pbad subscribers for market launch.

Microsoft, App, Xbox Game Pbad, Game Pbad App

Microsoft, App, Xbox Game Pbad, Game Pbad App

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